Our Philosophy

The Woods, PMA is a private membership association dedicated to the rights of freedom to choose the types of products, services, and education regarding the care, methods and applications its members think are best for healthy living and maintaining optimum wellness. The mission of our association is to provide its members with the highest level of wellness through high quality food, nature, art and education. Use of our space is available to all its members free of charge and is available on a donation basis. All donations are used to keep our association space open and running. We are dedicated to maintaining a supportive community among our members and believe that our association acts as an example of our commitment. 

A private membership association allows us to keep all of our business and activities within the private domain utilizing the protections guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and under all protections acknowledged and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. Specifically, we believe that the First and the Fourteenth Amendments of the Constitution guarantees our members the rights of free speech, petition, assembly, and the right to gather together for the lawful purpose of advising and helping one another. All people wish to use any product, service or education offered by the Association or its members must become a member first. To read a copy of our Membership Agreement, click here.

The owner of the property allows free public recreational use of her property to the Association and the general public. The Recreational Use State of the State of Connecticut, which provides that any land owner who makes land available to the public without fee for recreational purposes has no liability to others for the recreational purposes, or to give any warning of a dangerous condition, use, structure or activity on the land to persons entering for recreational purposes. This simply means that the property owner cannot be held liable if you get hurt on the property.